Tuesday, June 14, 2011

DreamD II

I consider these two pieces--vocal followed by synthesizer-- as part of a suite following the first piece of music of "DreamD" (the video in my last post). These are likewise salvaged sounds from a cassette recording I made long ago, this time coupled with images of my art.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Patchwork of Video and Sound

DreamD is a video constructed much like a crazy quilt from snippets of this and that, merging pattern and sound to create a new whole. I've often found when staging performances that the changing light and intense amount of movement make producing videos that accurately document the experience difficult to realize. In DreamD I've taken some performance video that really didn't seem to work for me and re-shot it as it played on my television, zooming in and out to get various textures and vantage points quite different from the original work. Afterward it was taken apart and reassembled to go with a vintage analog piece of mine transferred complete with tape hiss from cassette to MP3 as the audio track. The music consists of voice and synthesizer with a sound program that I wrote according to some numerical sequences selected through a rather esoteric system I had devised at the time (and no longer recall!). All performance, video, music and vocals are mine with rather abstract guest appearances by fellow artists Arturo Alonzo Sandoval and Jeff Underwood. The original abstract projections or "projection paintings" visible in some segments are the work of the late abstract expressionist sculptor Ibram Lassaw and were used with his kind permission and personal advice for my 1992 performance "An Abstracted Life."