Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Found Object Puppet

I fabricated this puppet last year for a stop motion animation. It was inspired by the twin faces of the Roman deity Janus, gazing in two directions, looking both forward and back, past and future, here and there. Its hollow torso represents the blind windows of the crow inhabited multistoried temple of Janus ruin in Autun, France.
If you look closely you will discover butterfly wings preserved between thin sheets of mica, a demitasse spoon found flattened in a parking lot, a pocket watch case that lay many years at the bottom of a great river, a porcelain doll leg of late nineteenth or early twentieth century vintage, snapping turtle bones, almond shells, slices from deer antlers and so on... I love the stories that one can spin around such objects, the histories known and imagined. And the weird synergy of attempting to bring together so many disparate objects into a coherent and evocative whole.

1 comment:

  1. Diana~ this fantastical creation is so very splendid that it gives me the chills! Truly oneiric and sublime.
