Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Collage Animation

A trio of photos from a recent short film segment I created to celebrate the centennial of the riot provoking first performance of the Ballet Russe/Stravinsky work "Le Sacre du Printemps" (or "Rite of Spring" as it is sometimes known in English). As part of a larger collage of works by various choreographers/dancers/artists it will premiere at the International Video Dance Festival of Burgundy, France next month, after which I'll post a video here.

The puppets were created from vintage French art history magazines which my corner used bookshop sells for twenty centimes--- a steal for gorgeous full colour magazines on heavy stock! I always feel a bit guilty cutting them up but often find duplicates to keep for my own viewing pleasure. I mixed and matched parts from works ranging from Etruscan sculpture to medieval Spanish fresco to a Titian painting and added an actual hair extension braid to the central figure of "the chosen one" for a bit of variety. (The braid was fun to animate!).
All movements were still photographed one small motion at a time. Afterward all the many photos were altered in photoshop and an online editing program to create a more unique and encompassing  look to this 2D world. The final step was loading them into a video program and creating a continuous effect of movement with musical score.

Here's a link to some of my other earlier animations in 2 and 3D:

I look forward to the coming of spring here and wish you all the best whatever the season, wherever you are!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Diana: I went on youtube and saw all your videos. They are each wonderful in a different way. The tests are quite interesting. Yet another way for you to show your talent. I look forward to seeing the collage piece.
    I hope you have a lovely spring. The last few days here have been glorious, in the 60's and sunshine. Soon my I'll see my favorite part of my back yard garden.....the turtles coming up from hibernation.
    Be well, enjoy life, Oma Linda

  3. Thank you so much Linda! Spring turtles sound wonderful! :)
